100 million
May 24, 2022
- Tom Albinson

My heart broke yesterday when I saw this headline.
"Ukraine, other conflicts push forcibly displaced total over 100 million for first time"
As the UN High Commissioner for Refugee said, "It's a record that should never have been set".
These are women, children, and men who have been forced to flee their homes because of war, persecution, and gross violations of human rights. Ukraine, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Myanmar, Nigeria, Afghanistan, and the DR Congo are producing large numbers of forcibly displaced people.
"To reverse this trend, the only answer is peace and stability"
But where are the peacemakers? Where are the healers?
The planet is in trouble on many fronts. It seems we live in a century that requires more from us than we are willing to give. But the stakes are incredibly high for us all.
Humans are not able to save ourselves, much less our home planet. The Bible has long told us this truth. We need to be rescued from ourselves.
But there is still reason to hope
We are convinced that there is hope, even in the midst of this overwhelming reality. Jesus has come to rescue, redeem, and restore us, along with his creation. We who identify as Christians are called to partner with Jesus in the restoration of all things. We are called to be healers and peacemakers - communities of people empowered by God to actively restore harmony to this world of dissonance.
Our hearts should break over this record setting number of refugees, asylum seekers, and internally displaced people. But our lament cannot lead us to despair or inaction. God sees, hears, and cares about the state of God's Creation. God is determined to save us from ourselves. Hatred, violence, war, suffering, and death do not get the last word. Love and Life will overcome as surely as Jesus rose from the grave.
May God show each of us how we can partner with him in both big and small ways to turn things around and set us all on a life-giving course.
Source of statistics and quotes: UNHCR