A Call to Action

Jun 18, 2021

We encourage you to click the image (or click here) to download "A Call to Action", an open letter to the Church by IAFR Founder and President, Tom Albinson, on the occasion of World Refugee Day (June 20th).

In his open letter, Tom underlines the fact that it is not enough for us to simply be aware of the global refugee crisis. We must also take action.

The good news is that we can all play a part in the solution to forced displacement in our world!

Every one of us can pray for refugees. Tom offers some related help to get us started.

We can all also advocate on behalf of refugees. Once again, Tom helps us consider how we can do so.

Some of us can serve refugees as well. Tom points us to the biblical examples of Reuel (aka Jethro), Boaz, Nehemiah, king Artaxerxes, and Jonathan as helpful examples of life-giving ministry among refugees and asylum seekers.

Let's do more than be aware. Let's care.