Building refugee churches

Feb 18, 2022

- Tom Albinson

Keeping hope alive in the midst of adversity and uncertainty

Building Refugee Churches

Churches play a critical role in keeping hope alive in refugee camps.

They offer a welcoming, safe, and supportive community along with a life-giving worldview to people who have suffered the loss of all things - even their place in the world.

That's why IAFR partners with refugee churches in ways that encourage and strengthen them in their challenging mission.

One of the ways we do that is by providing them with building materials.

Pastor Ikabe Expresses Thanks

Partner with us!

We believe that the body of Christ should be at the forefront of welcoming and rehumanizing marginalized people. The God we worship sees, hears, and cares deeply for them. And so must we.

That's why we equip and mobilize the Church to help people survive and recover from forced displacement.