Can You Make a Difference?
Jan 11, 2021
Rachel Uthmann
Can a local church actually make a difference in the refugee crisis? You may be surprised.
Our world is in upheaval on so many fronts -- from public health to political – and the whirling snowstorm of issues can be blinding, even for those of us who try so hard to pay attention.
At IAFR, one of our aims is to be a place of resource for local congregations and individuals who want to engage with forcibly displaced people in ways that are truly helpful and faithfully Christian. While most of our training takes place face-to-face, we are working to make it easier to connect with our resources through digital means in this time of restricted travel.
Now you can learn with IAFR staff from the comfort of your home. Enroll today to hear about the role of the Church in caring for people who have fled their homes because of persecution and violence. Because we believe that our paradigm for understanding this complex issue is transformative for many church leaders, we are offering this online self-paced course at no cost to you.
Enroll today!