Charity's Bible

Oct 16, 2021

- Tom Albinson

Charity showed me her well-worn Moru Bible today. Moru is one of the many languages in Sudan. It is not easy to find a Moru Bible anywhere – much less here in Kakuma refugee camp in remote northwestern Kenya.

Charity has done what she can to keep her Bible from completely falling apart. Staples, tape, and stitching are failing to hold it together. A couple of pages fell out when she opened it. She showed it to me to remind me to try and get some Moru Bibles to the camp.

It has been a common theme ever since I first visited the camp back in 2001. Whenever I ask refugee pastors what the greatest needs are in the camp – Bibles always come up.

We’ve delivered nearly 20,000 Bibles in diverse languages so far. But with an ever growing camp population (it is presently over 200,000), the need remains acute.

Just ask Charity.

If you would like to provide a Bible for a refugee, click here to visit the IAFR Bibles for Refugees project page that offers opportunity to learn more and donate online.