Emergency Medical Response

Feb 4, 2021

- Tom Albinson with Jacob Tornga

The clinic had run out of critical medications needed to treat people on oxygen in isolation.

We recently sent another shipment of essential medical supplies to the Health Clinic at Dzaleka refugee camp in Malawi. It included specific COVID-19 medications, as well as supplies to address other health issues in the camp, including prenatal and postnatal care. The value of the shipment was about $96,000.

We cannot delay - otherwise people will die.

When faced with a possible delay in handing over the shipment to the refugee health clinic, the Malawi Ministry of Health said “No, we cannot [delay] - otherwise people will die.” For they had run out of three critical medications needed to treat people on oxygen in isolation and there was nowhere else to get the medicine. “We need those medications straight away!

Medical care is essential to survival and resilience.

Innocent Magambi, former refugee and founder of There Is Hope, our partner agency in Malawi, has long recognized the inseparable relationship between adequate medical care, refugee survival, and human resilience.

While expressing his gratitude, Innocent commented, "The medical shipment is meeting the needs of a small but crucial hospital buried in the heart of a congested refugee camp serving a population at the margins."

This could not have happened without our generous financial partners!

As you can imagine, this was a highly collaborative venture. There Is Hope took the lead in Malawi and coordinated the shipment with the Malawi Ministry of Health and United Nations officials in the country. We collaborated on this side of the Atlantic with Health Partners International of Canada (HPIC), IAFR Canada and a group of former refugees in Canada called Little Acts of Kindness. We're thankful that God has connected us over the years so that we can respond to medical emergencies like this.

Of course, none of this could have happened without our generous financial partners and those who stand with us in prayer! They are the true unsung heroes behind this life-saving provision.

When you partner with IAFR, you are meeting critical needs, strengthening hope, and re-humanizing our refugee friends. Your support is a tangible sign to them that they are not forgotten and that God hears and sees and cares for them.

Many thanks to our faithful and generous financial partners who make it possible for our team to show up in the lives of refugees and asylum seekers every day!