God is Good.
Nov 23, 2023
- Tom Albinson

I was walking through Dzaleka refugee camp in Malawi - one of the world's mostly forgotten places providing temporary refuge to people forced to flee their homes due to war, persecution, and gross violations of human rights.
This shelter caught my eye as few have anything painted on their walls. It got me to thinking, What I would paint if it was my shelter?
They could have written anything.
They could have written anything. They could have put words on their pain and loss. They could have written, "WE ARE FORGOTTEN" or "GET US OUT". In spite of the suffering, loss, and uprooting that forced them to flee their homeland and seek safety in Malawi, the people who call this shelter home chose to write, "GOD IS GOOD" for all to see.
I find that breathtaking.
These words do not come cheap.
These words do not come cheap. They aren't an idiom on a bumper sticker. They are a declaration of hope in the midst of loss and toxic uncertainty from a place lacking nearly everything - a place seemingly bent on sucking dignity out of people.
These words are an act of defiance and strength rooted in the reality that in spite of our circumstances, we know that GOD IS GOOD. Evil and suffering and even death itself will not get the last word.
As I celebrate Thanksgiving today, this is the image that comes to mind. Whether life has thrown more punches than blessings this year, I can fix my heart on this unwavering reality. God is good. I can be thankful.
Happy Thanksgiving from IAFR!
Please know that I am deeply grateful to our faithful and generous financial partners who make it possible for our team to show up in the lives of refugees and asylum seekers every day!