God showed up when hope was running out
Dec 21, 2021
- Tom Albinson

God showed up when hope was running out.
It has been a difficult year for our refugee friends. But I am thankful to say that we have seen God show up when hope was running out.
They were hungry.
Some had run out of food due to the impact of the Covid pandemic on their fragile local economies (above photo). They were hungry and losing heart. And God provided for them.
They were homeless.

Some were forced to flee their homes and no longer had a roof over their heads. They were vulnerable and exposed to their harsh surroundings. And God provided for them.
They were thirsty.

Some had no access to clean water. They were thirsty and often sick. And God provided for them.

They were sick.

Others were sick and in need of medications. But the shelves in the health clinic were empty. And God provided for them.
How does God show up and provide?
God almost always chooses to provide through human beings, created in his image. It has always been our calling and privilege to partner with God in this way.
Thank you to everyone who prayed and joined with us so that we could partner with God as he provided food, shelter, water, medicine, and more for our uprooted brothers and sisters in 2021!
Consider Jesus' words in this light:
"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat,
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink,
I was a stranger and you invited me in,
I needed clothes and you clothed me,
I was sick and you looked after me,
I was in prison and you came to visit me."
Matthew 25:35-36
Thank you for joining with God in his provision!
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