Happy Easter
Apr 4, 2021
- Tom Albinson

Jesus revealed just how far God's love will go to rescue us.
The Bible reveals that God sees, hears, and cares for all humankind – with Jesus being the ultimate revelation as his incarnation, life, sacrifice and death demonstrate just how far God’s love will go to rescue us from evil, restore us to Himself, and bring about the renewal of all things.
Love and Life get the final word.
That's why we can live and serve with hope even in the midst of sorrow and suffering. For by Jesus’ resurrection and promised return, we know that love and life get the final word rather than evil and death. We have this hope not only in this life, but in the life to come. Jesus has risen and so will we.
We are partnering with God in the renewal of all things.
As we serve, we pray and long for the time when all things will be made new and life and peace will fill the earth – and there will be no more refugees. In the meantime, we live and serve with confidence, knowing that...
"Nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord." - Romans 8:39 (NLT)
May your celebration be filled with joy as you reflect on the glorious hope we have in Jesus Christ.