IAFR in Athens
Oct 22, 2020
- Tom Albinson

The Greek system is completely overwhelmed as refugees are essentially stockpiled here.
Refugee life in Athens is very difficult, unpredictable, insecure and dehumanizing. Our refugee friends struggle to find suitable shelter, healthcare, clothing, and food. It is no surprise that many struggle with hopelessness.
More than anything else, they hunger for friendship and connection.
While we are not always able to meet all of their physical needs, we are able to offer a listening ear and to pray with them. We are often surprised at how deeply such a simple act of pastoral care impacts their lives and strengthens hope.
What does IAFR do in Athens?
The ministry in Athens is multifaceted, providing refugees and asylum seekers with medical care, baby supplies, shelter, food and other basic necessities. The team also supports a Farsi speaking church that primarily serves refugees from Iran and Afghanistan.
God is bringing people to us - hungry for answers - ready to accept Christ.
We do this in partnership with One Heart, a wonderful like-minded Greek humanitarian agency, founded by Sahar Kamrani. Sahar came to Athens from Iran and became a follower of Jesus while an asylum seeker in Greece.
Meet Kate & Ilir Cami

Kate and Ilir Cami (above) are IAFR missionaries serving under the leadership of our partner agency, One Heart in Athens. Ilir originally came to Athens as a refugee from Albania. He became a follower of Jesus while there. Kate is originally from the US. They have been serving refugees and asylum seekers in Athens since 1998 and joined IAFR in 2019.
Click here to learn more about the work in Athens.
*Quotes from Kate and Ilir Cami