Look! An Answer to Prayer!

Oct 21, 2018

-Tom Albinson

This is a picture of over 2 decades of prayers being answered! Our refugee partners (United Refugee and Host Churches – URHC) started an Interdenominational School of Mission (KISOM) back in 1997. It is equipping pastors, evangelists, missionaries, and other church leaders for ministry. It is the only school of its kind in the region.

Over the years, they have met in refugee primary schools (after class). At present, they meet in an abandoned and condemned refugee primary school in the camp. All along they have dreamed and prayed that God would one day give them a building devoted to the work of the URHC and KISOM.

A couple of years ago, IAFR helped URHC buy a plot of land just outside of the refugee camp (so they actually own it). And this year the building has begun! What you see are what will become the KISOM meeting hall and URHC offices.

They ultimately envision building several classrooms on the site.

Please pray with our friends at URHC as the buildings are built. May God protect the workers. May God bless the work of their hands so that the buildings will be highest quality and able to serve generations of believers and churches in the Kakuma/Kalobeyei region. Amen.