No Small Thing

Apr 19, 2023

- Paul Sydnor with Rachael Lofgren

"When I was a boy in Africa, I attended a boarding school. Every week, my parents gave me money to buy food, but one week as I attended church, I felt convicted to put my food money in the offering."

Alfred*, an asylum-seeking believer, is part of our weekly sharing group here in Lille, France. As we discuss a scripture passage on giving, he lends his insight through his own story of faith. His face is serious as he remembers that moment of stretching faith.

It was all the money I had.

"It was all the money I had for the week, and I prayed, 'God help me to make it through this week. I don't have any more money for food. I decided to write to my parents and tell them what had happened. I wrote and sealed the letter, informing them I had run out of money. I went to mail my letter with a stomach empty with hunger."

Crossing Paths With God's Provision

As I posted the letter, I crossed paths with a teacher who asked what I was doing. "I am telling my parents I have run out of food money," I explained simply. "God put it in my heart to give it, and I put it in the offering."

The teacher looked surprised. 'There is no reason for you to go hungry,' he exclaimed. 'Here, I will give you the money you need to purchase food for this week.'

As I returned to my dorm, I felt that God saw me, and I felt glad I had given. This was a lesson in God's faithfulness, even in a little thing like food money for a week. I know that even now, as an asylum seeker, God is faithful to hear my prayers and meet my needs."

Alfred finishes his story huskily, moved by the memory.

There is no small thing in God's economy.

"There is no small thing in God's economy," Joe agrees heartily for the group. "God will meet our needs. This is a good reminder for us all. Thank you so much for sharing, Alfred."

We are Asking God How to Continue the Work.

As the Ministry Leader in Lille, France, I, too, am encouraged by Alfred's story of faith and faithfulness. As I oversee our multi-faceted ministry here, I am reminded to ask God for what we need in faith that He will continue to provide as He always has.

We operate a center for activities where we engage our asylum-seeking friends in French classes, phone repairs, and discussions on integration. We also sponsor community efforts, including food aid, soccer matches, and cultural excursions.

Generous donations have supported these activities through the years here. However, funding is now running low, and we are asking God how to continue the work. We trust that he will continue to provide.

If you'd like to participate by giving or to learn more about what God is doing in Lille, France, among Asylum Seekers, click the link below.


*Alfred is a protective pseudonym.