Overcoming isolation and despair in Kakuma
Feb 29, 2024
- Tom Albinson

Blown Away
"We were so happy to worship under a roof on Sunday morning!" Pastor Stephen (above) shared how grateful he and his church are for the building materials provided by IAFR.
"But then, at 8:00pm that night a strong wind came out of nowhere. It took off most of the roof and mangled the metal frame of the building. We are thankful that no one was hurt. But we find ourselves once again worshiping exposed to the harsh elements here in Kakuma refugee camp."
We stood in what was left of the church. What could we say? We listened. And we prayed together for God's provision.

Strengthening hope by providing building materials
The windstorm that blew apart the church happened during our visit last October. Then, shortly after we departed Kakuma, heavy rains blew in and flooded the camp. We know of nine churches that were destroyed by the water. We also know of around 40 churches that meet in the sparse shade under trees because they have no resources with which to build.
We thank God for our generous financial partners that made it possible to provide $6,800 of building materials to refugee churches in Kakuma in January! That will put a roof over the heads of four refugee church communities! In 2023, we were able to help 10 churches in Kakuma. We've provided building materials for 75 churches since launching this project in 2017. But we are far from done.
We've provided building materials for 75 churches since 2017!
There are at least another 50 churches in need of building materials today. The average cost of providing materials to put up a frame and metal roof is $1,700 per church.
Let's join our prayers together with our displaced sisters and brothers asking God to provide the church building materials they need.
If you are able and interested in helping, CLICK HERE to help put a roof over the head of a refugee church community.
Or click here to learn more about our Refugee Church Building project.