Partners like Terry
Sep 23, 2022
- an IAFR missionary

Early light filters through the coffee shop windows onto our corner table. It's a summer morning, midweek, and my friend Terry has taken the time to meet up before work.
"So tell me what God's laying on your heart?" he invites.
I wrap my hands around my warm mug of coffee and glance up at my long-time friend. "Well, I'm excited about this new ministry opportunity to work with refugees." I begin. As I share stories of what God is doing in the world of displaced people, Terry listens and nods, asking a question here or there.
"This is amazing stuff. I can tell you're really excited about it. How can Steph and I support you?"
That's one of the things I love about friends like Terry. He always makes me feel like he's got my back. "I'd love to invite you to partner in whatever ways you feel led. Financially I'm halfway to my support goal. And, of course, I always ask people to pray. That's the engine that fuels the mission."
"When you asked me to meet up with you to talk about this opportunity, Steph and I talked it over, and we've already decided we want to partner with you by giving financially. I'll have to discuss specific numbers with her and get back to you on that. And we'll certainly be praying for you." He doesn't know how much courage it takes to ask people in this fundraising process. But he's just made the asking easy, and I'm incredibly grateful.
"Do you have time to pray together now? I'd also love to know how I can pray for you."
"Of course. Thank you for that. I think one of our big prayer concerns as a family right now is the kid's adjustments to a new school…."
We pray for one another and the work God calls us to do in our homes and communities. Terry and I exchange a warm handshake as we get up from the table. As he does, a scripture from a Bible study earlier in the week comes to mind. "These are... among my coworkers; they are working with me here for the Kingdom of God. And what a comfort they have been!" (Colossians 4:11 NLT)
Missionaries can't go unless they are sent, and it's through the generosity and prayers of coworkers in our communities of faith that the work of the gospel can go forward. Through all the complex and sometimes discouraging work of making connections and building partnerships in a day of digital noise, individualism, and busyness, friends like Terry, who make the time to listen and care, remind me that we are in this together. These fellow believers who open their hearts to God and us make way for the beautiful comfort of coworkers to continue in the legacy of the body of Christ.