Supporting the work of the refugee church
Aug 27, 2021
- Jake Tornga

In a place like Dzaleka Refugee Camp, the work of a pastor never stops. Providing emotional support, visiting the sick in their homes, and even transporting the sick to and from the hospital…these are just a few of the tasks they perform on a regular basis. And in a camp of nearly 50,000 people, even these few things can easily take up a whole day.
One practical tool that helps pastors and other church leaders in these tasks is a bicycle. A bike can ease the burden of transportation in countless ways, and it can help pastors reach places and homes they often cannot on foot. Bicycles enhance the life-giving work of churches in the camp who are providing essential emotional and spiritual support to the community. They truly help lighten the load physically and figuratively for pastors who carry a heavy burden for their people in need. This past month we were able to provide 45 bicycles to pastors and churches throughout the refugee camp, and even to some of the Malawian villages in the host community near the camp. A huge thank you to everyone who helped support this work.