The graduates
Apr 27, 2023
- Tom Albinson
Meet the grauduates! These are the first five girls IAFR has sponsored through secondary school. National Presbyterian Church in Washington DC made it all possible.
Several years ago the church asked if IAFR could arrange for the logistics of putting at least three girls through high school from the camp. They were eager to fund the scholarships. We found a good partner NGO in Windle International Kenya as this is their area of expertise. They have proven to be an excellent partner.
In spite of Covid and many other challenges, these young ladies have gotten a good education. If God makes it financially possible, they would like to continue their studies. They shared their dreams of getting degrees in engineering, medicine, business, and tourism.
I was impressed with their stature and maturity as we spoke together.
Three of the girls are from Kakuma refugee camp. Two are from the camp here for Internally Displaced People - Kenyans who were forced to flee their homes due to political violence back in 2008.
They expressed deep thanks for those who made it financially possible. Their lives have been forever changed.
IAFR financial partners have made it possible for us to award scholarships to three new girls this year.
May God add God's blessing.