Try, Try, Try Again...
Oct 1, 2019
-Tom Albinson

Earlier this year we bought we had finally struck water with a borehole. We were hoping to have the water pumped and piped across 6 miles of semi desert to the IDP camp outside of Kakuma town. But the borehole quickly collapsed and could not be redeemed.
So we tried again (above). This time the drill hit a rock shelf at about 30m that could not be penetrated. Another failure.
So we are trying again (below)…

We learned of an existing borehole that the Kenyan government drilled but later capped (above) as they did not have the funding to complete the project. It is said to be on a major aquifer. The government is open to our piping the water to the IDP camp.
If all goes well, the IDP could have water before our next visit to Kakuma planned for March 2020.
Please pray with us to that end.