Mar 13, 2020
-Tom Albinson

As I head towards Nairobi airport, I can’t help but feel uncertainly in the air. The US declared it will stop receiving passengers from Europe unless they have residency beginning midnight tonight. I heard that the US government is asking residents arriving from Europe to self-quarantine for two weeks after arrival. I learned an hour or so ago that not only is my trip to Bangkok later this month cancelled – but so is my trip to Seattle (to meet with some churches). Another IAFR colleague cancelled her planned trip to Jakarta this month. I’m seriously wondering if my planned visit to our teams in France and Austria in early May will be possible. Uncertainty seems to accelerate daily.
That’s why I needed to post this photo of a tree in the middle of an ancient savannah with Mt. Kenya filling in the backdrop. Some things are crazy right now. But some things stand firm. Breathe it in.
While we need to take the current pandemic seriously, let’s not forget to fix our hearts and minds on the bedrock of Life. God is with us. God is good. Even in times of uncertainty and suffering. And in such times, may those of us who follow Jesus, seek to encourage and assist those who are vulnerable. May love rather than fear guide our feet.
And here’s hoping I can get back to Donna (my wife) tomorrow afternoon as planned.
UPDATE: My connecting flight from Amsterdam to Minneapolis was cancelled (as I was heading to the Nairobi airport). Thankfully, Delta rebooked next after a few hours. I’ll be flying Amsterdam – Chicago – Minneapolis now. It adds about 7 hours to the trip, but at least I’ll get back home. Still, I won’t be surprised if more changes happen between now (I’m still in Kenya) and then.
UPDATE #2: I almost made it back home. But 4 hours of customs and CDC related lines at O’Hare airport made me miss the last flight to Minneapolis today. I’m grateful to a generous board member who put me up in an airport hotel. That will make it a cinch to check in for my Minneapolis bound flight in the morning.