Water in a Dry Land
Nov 18, 2021
- Tom Albinson

"There were times I felt like giving up."
It wasn't easy. It took eight years and four attempts to drill a successful borehole in the semi desert of Kakuma, Kenya. There were times I felt like giving up. But the need for water was real. We had to keep trying.
And then it happened.
We finally struck water! You can imagine our joy. It turns out that the borehole is by far the most productive one in the region - producing 30 cubic meters of water per hour! Not only is the water plentiful - it is among the best quality in the region as well!
Our perseverance, labor, and investment was not in vain. Thank you, Jesus!
A Ripple Effect
While visiting the completed borehole and water kiosk in October, I was told that there is now talk of a school being built in the community! It turns out that because they now have water, other services will likely begin to flow into this marginalized community!
This project is generating a multifaceted ripple effect that exceeds our expectations!
Click above to see the new borehole and kiosk at work in Kakuma!
We count it a joy and privilege to have partnered with God as he answered the prayers of this community for water!
Click here to visit our Kakuma Blog and learn more about our recent visit to Kakuma refugee camp.