I hear Jesus
Apr 24, 2024
- Whtiney Gerdes with Rachael Lofgren

"And then I had a dream. It was a dream about Jesus..."
We sit around the table late in the evening. The small kitchen is cold despite the propane heater laboring in the corner. Our coffee and tea sit half-forgotten as we listen intently to the incredible stories of this family from Syria.
Following Jesus to Lebanon
My Swiss ministry partners invited the man and his daughter over after feeding me dinner. I'm here in Jordan, working with them to expand the curriculum for a supplemental education program for Syrian refugee children.
As I listen, the man's seventeen-year-old daughter, Reya* sits beside me. She rests her hands on my arm and smiles shyly. Dressed in a hijab layered with a hoodie to try and keep warm, she seems uncertain what her place is in her father's vibrant stories.
"My brother is following Jesus, too. He dreamed that God wanted him to serve the Syrians in Lebanon. So he went there to obey."
Besides an occasional comment, Reya is quiet. She rests her head on the table as if weary.
Reya's Gift
Seeing it is late, my Swiss friend suggests we pray together. As we finish, Reya looks at me, her large dark eyes pensive, "I am so sad that I didn't know that I was going to meet you today, Whitney, because every time I meet someone that I love, I want to give them a gift. And I don't have a gift for you. And while we were praying, I asked Jesus to give me a gift for you."
I can feel my eyes tearing up. This young woman's generous spirit is so pure and sweet.
She continues shyly, "So I asked Jesus for a gift for you, and he gave me a picture of you with your face shining... I see Jesus in the faces of all of us around the table, but I see and hear Jesus in your voice."
His Spirit is speaking...
The tears overflow and slip down my cheeks as I smile at this young woman, in awe of how God has just spoken to her. She doesn't know that God often gives me opportunities to bring music into spaces as a form of ministry to others. And tonight, I have not sung and have hardly spoken, primarily listening. It feels like an obvious word for me in answer to Reya's prayer for a gift to give.
"Reya, you have such a tender heart toward Jesus. It's obvious that His Spirit is speaking to you." I tell her.
"I tell her that all the time," her father nods his approval.

This holy moment in the kitchen is why I have come.
Reya is struggling through trauma and depression, trying to find her way in a foreign place with her family, who has suffered so deeply. And yet here she is ministering to me with encouraging words, and I am humbled and deeply honored by the heartfelt love I receive.
When I tell her her words are true, Reya smiles, and I know at that moment that even more than all the educational work I've done on this trip, this holy moment in the kitchen with Reya is why I have come. We have seen Jesus reflected in each other and are both strengthened and encouraged by this love.
CLICK HERE to learn more about Whitney's work as IAFR Refugee Education Specialist!