Putting Everything on the Line
Mar 7, 2024
- Tom Albinson

It was 24 February 2024 – the second anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. I was in Warsaw at a gathering of over 300 brothers and sisters from all over Europe. Many Ukrainians were in our midst.
Christians are putting everything on the line.
A Moldavian soldier (above photo) shared how he and other military chaplains are putting everything on the line to get people out of conflict zones to safety in Ukraine. He then led us in prayer.

A mother told us what it was like to say goodbye to her husband as he went off to serve with the Ukrainian military. As she and their children were trying to drive to safety, her husband got word to her that they were headed directly toward Russian troops.
Counting the Days
She shared how they began counting the days after the invasion began. At first they thought it would be over in a few weeks. But they are still counting. It's a heavy weight to bear. February 24th was day 730. She asked us to help carry the load and count with them.
The Need for Healers and Healing
She said that the trauma of war is devastating the people. Few are trained in trauma care and there is a shortage of resources to help people begin to heal.
She takes comfort knowing that Jesus is there suffering with them.
She led us in prayer for those suffering from invisible wounds afflicting their hearts and minds and for the healers doing what they can to help.
Orphans in Need of Homes
Another Ukrainian woman asked us to pray for the growing number of orphans in the country and led us in prayer asking God to put them in homes.

A Ukrainian worship band led us in songs of worship that evening, declaring God’s goodness and faithfulness. Ukrainian pastors led a time of Communion during our final session.
It was encouraging to see how many churches, Christian organizations, and individuals are doing what they can to help our friends in Ukraine as well as those who have sought refuge outside of the country.
IAFR is among them as we partner together with churches in Ukraine through our partnership with a church in Slovakia near the border.
Thanks to our generous financial partners, we have sent over $190,000 in assistance to Ukraine since the war began. Most recently, we sent $20,500 in January. It is now helping get people out of conflict zones to safety in Ukraine. It is also providing food and medical care for children and elderly people seeking help from local churches in the country.
We are praying that we can send another $40,000 before the end of the year.
CLICK HERE to learn more about IAFR's Ukrainian Response.