Dzaleka Refugee Scholarships

The UN reports that only 1% of refugee youth go to university, compared to 36% of youth globally. In Dzaleka Refugee Camp and the surrounding host community, we have seen evidence of this statistic playing out on a regular basis. This is not because students in the camp or the host community do not want to go to school or because they are not qualified. The primary barriers they face are cost and access. Their isolation and limited resources make it difficult to achieve their goals.

The Opportunity

We invite you, your church or small group to consider changing the life of a refugee in Dzaleka through a college scholarship. Together we can meet our goal of sponsoring at least 6 students each year in their studies. Click the Donate button above to give now. Or visit our Donate page for other donation options.

The Goal

Our goal is to provide support for 6 students per year, for the duration of their studies. The cost of supporting one year of classes for one student is $2,480. The cost of a full 4 year program is $9,920.

The Strategy

We are partnering with There Is Hope to sponsor refugees and host community youth to go to college in Malawi. There Is Hope has successfully managed this scholarship program for many years, and has an excellent system in place for student selection, mentoring, advising, and financial accountability. They assist us in monitoring the progress of the students and help us facilitate visits with sponsored students during our visits when helpful.

The Progress

As of 5/2021 seven students have received full scholarships.