Dzaleka Vocational Training

Officials in Dzaleka Refugee Camp and the Dowa District Government of Malawi have acknowledged the lack of opportunities for skills training in the region. The local economy is starving for skilled workers in specific vocations. Such training programs have been made a priority for investment by the National government in Malawi and they have been recognized as an area of focus by the UNHCR in their new Global Compact on refugees and forced migration. This has been confirmed to IAFR by our partners at There Is Hope, from our church connections, and from other stakeholders in the community. Vocational training is a critical way to strengthen economic stability for refugees and members of the host community, especially youth.

The Opportunity

We're inviting churches and individuals to sponsor a student through vocational training in a skill that will give them a good chance of finding work in the local economy. Not only does this help them better meet their essential needs (food, clothing, etc.), it also strengthens their resilience and re-humanizes them as they make an important contribution to their host society.

The Goal

IAFR is committed to sponsoring as many students from the refugee and surrounding host communities as possible each year in the areas of carpentry, masonry, tailoring, welding, and plumbing as related careers have been identified as high need in the local and national economy. It costs $935 to sponsor one student through a 12 month training course related to one of the skills.

The Strategy

Vocational training classes are open to all members of the community and are focused on training people in skills that are directly applicable to the local economy for immediate job creation and income generation. Our partner agency, There Is Hope offers proven vocational training programs and has developed a good reputation in the community due to their committed efforts at maintaining the highest standards for graduates. Their programs are certified by the government and meet international standards for certifications in each of these skills. IAFR visits classes and talks with students during our regular visits to Dzaleka to help assess the effectiveness of the program.

The Progress

Since this project began, we have helped over 71 students complete their training in the vocational skill of their choice.