
Athens, Greece

Refugees and asylum seekers come to Greece hoping to find peace, safety and a better future. But what they experience upon arrival is more uncertainty and struggle. Living conditions are crowded. Access to adequate nutrition is limited. They receive little help from the government and relief agencies.They struggle to find a safe place to sleep and a way to feed their families. To make matters worse, the current economic crisis in Greece makes finding work next to impossible. It is little wonder than many refugees struggle to keep hope alive.

Our Mission

We are partnering with One Heart, a like-minded Greek agency, helping asylum-seekers and refugees survive and recover from forced displacement in Athens. The ministry of One Heart includes assisting forcibly displaced people with needs related to medical care, shelter, food, baby supplies, clothing and much more (see below).

Our Ministries

  • Medical Services

  • Shelter Services

  • Practical Assistance

  • Baby Supplies

  • Clothing Distribution

  • Food Distribution

  • Visitation & Hospitality

  • Legal Assistance

Needs & Opportunities

Inquire about service opportunities below.

Long-Term Needs
  • We need 3 full-time teammates

  • Building Manager

Short-Term Needs
  • Medical Professionals