
Kakuma Refugee Camp

Located in remote northwest of Kenya, Kakuma refugee camp was established in 1992 in response to wars and violence in the region. The camp population presently includes over 300,000 women, children and men - most of whom originated from Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Ethiopia, D.R. Congo, Eritrea, Uganda, Burundi, and Rwanda. Kakuma is among the largest refugee camps in the world. The current Kakuma refugee camp system includes Kakuma 1, 2, 3, and 4 plus Kalobeyei 1, 2, and 3. A Kenyan official told us that the government plans to build two more camps near Kakuma. The ministries of United Refugee and Host Churches (our refugee partner) include caring for the most vulnerable people in the region, church planting, youth ministries and a church leadership training school. We are also supporting their Kakuma Interdenominational School of Mission (KISOM) with theological training. Furthermore, we partner with Windle International Kenya (WIK) in providing high school scholarships to girls from the refugee camp and the nearby IDP settlement in Kakuma.

Our Mission

We imagine a day when Kakuma refugee camp (Kenya) will be filled with safe and supportive communities of life-giving faith that are transcending their circumstances and dedicated to keeping faith, hope, and love alive in that difficult place. We are making a highly contextualized multifaceted ministry impact in Kakuma in partnership with United Refugee and Host Churches (URHC) - an association of over 160 churches from within Kakuma refugee camp and the surrounding host community. We break the isolation of our brothers and sisters through regular visits to the camp. We work to connect the refugee churches in Kakuma with the church-at-large in ways that help meet their needs and accomplish their mission. The result is that we are all blessed, challenged and inspired as we partner together.

Our Ministries

  • Pastoral Care

  • Refugee Church Construction

  • Theological Training

  • Bibles for Refugees

  • Refugee Youth Camp

  • High School Scholarships

  • Strategic Worker Support

Needs & Opportunities

Inquire about service opportunities below.

Long-Term Needs
  • Kakuma Ministry Leader

  • Kakuma Project Manager

Short-Term Needs
  • Accompanying IAFR staff on Kakuma visits is possible

  • Pastors and church leaders wanted

  • Trauma care professionals wanted